Monday, 12 April 2010

Jim Murphy – The Wildebeest Years

Well, we know that Jim Murphy, Labour’s Governor General for Scotland, missed a lot of the ‘Thatcher Years’ by dint of being in Apartheid South Africa. His continued carping about not returning to those years of economic gloom and depression is beginning to wear a bit a bit thin. For according to his Wikipedia page he was aged 12 when “his family emigrated to Cape Town, South Africa to escape the economic hardships of Scotland.”
1979 saw the death throws of a Labour Government that had been in power since 1974. So who’s to blame for the economic hardships that forced poor wee Jim to grow up in the sunshine?
Wikipedia also points out that when young Murphy was a student he worked part-time as a waiter to "help fund his studies". Come off it Jim. Were you such a high-roller at Uni that the student grant, which you helped abolish, was not enough to get you through.