Friday 2 April 2010

Stunning Police Response

They sure know how to handle annoying kids in Indiana. Here, two police officers have been suspended for using a stun gun on a 10-year-old boy who had gotten out of control at a day care facility.
The incident occurred Tuesday, when a worker at Tender Teddies Day Care in Martinsville, called police to report that one of the children there was acting up and posed a potential threat to the other kids.
A spokesperson for the Martinsville Police Department said that Capt. William Jennings and Officer Darren Johnson arrived at the scene and found the boy to be "combative." Jennings gave him a slap, and Johnson used his Taser to further subdue.
Martinsville Police Chief Jon Davis said "We need to look at it a lot closer because the Taser gun is not really made for 10-year-olds." (An obvious niche in the market for the ‘Junior Taser’.)
This is an outrageous way to treat children. At least in Texas 10 year olds get to sit in a chair before being zapped.